I can say that I have shifted facts when I'm trying to get my diva on because let's just face it, some men can't handle that I have a career and that I'm actually damned smart and ambitious. It's frightening to the point that they won't even try to have a fling (because let's be frank, I'm good with flings with men who have no destination in life, long term on the other hand, I have to share values with the future Mr. Networking). And so you know, Mr. Networking will be super duper hot in my eyes and all man. ALL MAN, none of that sensitive ponytail garbage either! ...okay let me get centered and back to the discussion at hand. Not who is Ms. Networking attracted to (alpha male).
So back to the lying. What kind of lies are forgivable when it comes to matters of the heart? What kinds of lies are forgivable when you've told them in an attempt to get some action and didn't foresee a connection with the other person? Would your lie jeopardize the continuation of such situation? (Please note, because I am very strong on relationships, anything less than something committed is considered a situation in my eyes. So even though I'm canoodling with someone monogamy style...I will still call it a situation because once commitment is declared, that's when I'm off the market.) Can the admission of a lie and telling of facts save the situation you've both created? What if you lied and the other person came into it with good intentions and told nothing but the truth to you, would it be fair to expect them to trust you going forward?
So I've met Mr. Mystery over a month or so ago. (That's who I'm currently canoodling with, and no friends who I love dearly, you will know nothing about Mr. Mystery until I'm beyond certain of him). Mr. Mystery has no ounce of boy in him, he's all man. Fling, that is how this began, although there were certain fundamental value truths shared that I feel were indeed truths. There were certain "truths" that I can guarantee are far from the truth (like his age). The other night/morning, I stumbled across a truth that I didn't expect. Today I'm on the fence regarding how I should treat this knowledge of truth. In my mind logic comes out and says "unacceptable" where the other side of me comes out and says "it's really not terrible that he gave you misinformation". This level of "truth" is one that was told for self preservation purposes. It's sort of like when I tell someone I'm a teacher over the truth that is I'm a financial superpower of knowledge. I'm sure Mr. Mystery has his reasons for not sharing the genuine truths with me (like why I wouldn't spend the night with him. I'd run like a bat out of hell as soon as I could which would be conveyed as I'm a married woman needing to go back to her husband). I can only hope that with trust being built and affections being nurtured and grown, we could both put our cards on the table faced up and let each other in. Although there are some things I would love to know about him because I will always be firm on the belief that knowledge is power, I am enjoying the mysterious man who surprises me every time I see him. It's quite alright because I know that I haven't shared a lot of information with him either. Guess I'm also Ms. Mystery to him. ;)
This concludes my session of Ms. Networking's adventures. Today's adventure being mysterious people and the truths they choose to tell and not tell. What would you think are unacceptable truths? (Withholding information about having children is a big fat no no anywhere IMO. If you're a parent, be proud about it, they are yours for life and should never be considered an untold secret. Diseases are a big thing that shouldn't be hidden...that's just mean to not share w/ a potential bed buddy.) OK enough of me on my soap box!
While it was cool having an affair with Mr. Mystery, I gave up on this for the simple fact that I do require attention and honesty from the gentlemen I choose to entertain behind closed doors. I tell the truth, so should you, Just sayin'! But don't worry readers, not only do I move on, I move on super quickly. It's been a couple of weeks since I started writing this and I'm already in hot pursuit. Will follow up in the next blog. xoxo
While it was cool having an affair with Mr. Mystery, I gave up on this for the simple fact that I do require attention and honesty from the gentlemen I choose to entertain behind closed doors. I tell the truth, so should you, Just sayin'! But don't worry readers, not only do I move on, I move on super quickly. It's been a couple of weeks since I started writing this and I'm already in hot pursuit. Will follow up in the next blog. xoxo
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