Well good evening kiddies. Hope this post finds you well. It's about that hour of the night where indecent things can happen. Where chance encounters can lead to more chance encounters. And if found under the right situation a few misleading phone calls could happen.
I sometimes consider myself a witch. I can be enchanting, mystical and hypnotic, yet at other times, I can be plain old mean and evil. So what is this witch doing right now? I'm bored as hell, tired and I can't seem to shut my eyes to get my ass to bed so I can be fresh as a daisy in the AM. Sucks ass if you ask me. then I'd totally be a witch in the morning. Not the smiling one either.

Regardless, Let's get back to what I wanted to speak to you about. Networking online. So my Spanish facebook named Quepasa.com changed its name to Meetme.com (really? you just made What's up go to needy...thanks marketing team, you just made my week). But on a good note, at least I can chat with men who speak English pretty well. I'll take that anyday. This site has a scale that measures your popularity. In a matter of 3 days of being on the site, I became Very Popular from "who the fuck is this bitch?". Tons of single guys out there apparently, and they all wanna date me.. how sweet. So I'm enchanting the hot ones and trying to be the evil witch to the uglies...did you all know how many uglies there are in the world? They seem to be gravitating towards all these sites. amazing if you ask me.

Then what follows the uglies...the nerd perverts with the terrible photos of themselves...no guy, you're not cool and your suggestive messages are making me want to report your corny ass selves. KNOW YOUR ROLE IN LIFE SIR, KNOW IT! THAT GOES TO YOU TOO, MR. UGLIES. Seriously, if your personality is that in need of work, handle it before trying to come at me like I owe you something. When I was overweight, men out rightly told me that I wasn't their type because of the chubbiness, and guess what, it's cool, I still got ass. Why? Because I have the personality and confidence to back up my hotness, fat, slim, jaundiced, or tanned, sick or healthy, I'm damned hot and I don't have a problem walking around puffy chested over it. Matter of fact, I love having that kind of energy surrounding me. My friends are hot, my family is hot, my entity is hot, we're all so hot we melt paint off walls. and if you're in my circle, guess what, it's probably because I think your'e hot enough to hang out with. It's all about that energy that you carry with you. At any given point if you display an ounce of insecurity, your appeal is at stake. I know I make it sound like it's life or death, but isn't it? (I'm a dramatic Latin woman, please be advised that I will bring anything out into a life or death situation, that's how some great decisions are made!) But yes folks, love, sex, attraction, connections can be life or death. Who do I want backing me up in case of a life threatening situation? Someone who can feel confident enough to fight by my side, not someone who needs me to pick up their slack.
And on that note, Happy flirting!